Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Desert

I went to the desert this weekend to take some photos of the flowers that bloom this time of year.  Frankly, this is the only time of year that I like the desert.  I know that the desert offers quite a bit for others year round, but it is far too dry and desolate for me.  This time of year, however, gives an opportunity to see the desert in a different light.

Winter rains drench the sand of this alien landscape and, come spring, transforms this harsh world into a palette of yellows, greens, oranges, purples and reds amid the tans, browns, grays and blacks that usually rule.

For the desert this is its time to propagate life anew.  Each species, whether it be plant or animal , is given a chance to extend it's generation.  There is a synergy between all life here.  Insects, while using the plants as a food source, also help to ensure the next generation of flowers by pollinating them.

In a few weeks the flowers will be gone and the desert will return to its usual shade of earth tones.  But, for this short time, the desert becomes a very beautiful place to be.

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