Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Hike

There is nothing more serene than hiking through the woods or forests in the spring.  Life is abundant in the sun sprinkled meadows among the old oaks in Blue Sky Reserve near San Diego.  It is so calming to hear the wind rustling through the trees and grasses while the birds chirp and flit from limb to limb.

Sun dappled leaves filter the light and bring an ethereal feel to the wooded floor.

Unfortunately not all is perfect.  Signs of the Witch Creek Wildfire that ravaged many areas in the eastern part of San Diego county two years ago are still prominent throughout the reserve.

Much of the woods were laid to waste.  Thankfully, many of the old growth trees were spared so that we can enjoy them today.  Through the efforts of the community and the Blue Sky Community Foundation the reserve is coming back to life and will continue on for the enjoyment of others.  Please remember to conserve and help protect these natural habitats so that future generations can benefit from the tranquility of this beautiful ecological reserve.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Desert

I went to the desert this weekend to take some photos of the flowers that bloom this time of year.  Frankly, this is the only time of year that I like the desert.  I know that the desert offers quite a bit for others year round, but it is far too dry and desolate for me.  This time of year, however, gives an opportunity to see the desert in a different light.

Winter rains drench the sand of this alien landscape and, come spring, transforms this harsh world into a palette of yellows, greens, oranges, purples and reds amid the tans, browns, grays and blacks that usually rule.

For the desert this is its time to propagate life anew.  Each species, whether it be plant or animal , is given a chance to extend it's generation.  There is a synergy between all life here.  Insects, while using the plants as a food source, also help to ensure the next generation of flowers by pollinating them.

In a few weeks the flowers will be gone and the desert will return to its usual shade of earth tones.  But, for this short time, the desert becomes a very beautiful place to be.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Buildings and Structures

Open for Business

Under the Bridge

Hotel Oliver

California Cathedral

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Viewing the world from a different perspective

Little Italy San Diego

Downtown San Diego


Monday, March 15, 2010


Lake Hodges - Rebirth
It is amazing how the earth can regenerate even after an extremely devastating wildfire.  Amongst the burned trees and bushes new growth appears so that life can carry on.

Border Field State Park - Life Goes On
Here at the southernmost limits of the California border life continues as normal for the birds and sea life.  To them there are no borders, no differences in race or religion or politics.  Life is simple.

On a recent whale watching trip I saw this tern just cruising along with us, obviously hoping for a meal.  To me it seemed like freedom epitomized.

Pacific Beach - Ready to Ride
Nothing will stop a surfer from enjoying his time in the water.