Monday, April 26, 2010

Los Penasquitos Preserve



No Crossing

From the Ashes

Sentinel Tree

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mission San Luis Rey

I am always drawn to the California missions architecture.  So much of California history is embodied in these structures.  This particular mission is located in north San Diego county in Oceanside.  There is much to see and experience here, but I did not have a lot of time to explore so will go back some time to see what I missed.

The cemetery has an ominous entry way.

Inside are memorials to some of the early settlers in the region.

After I took this shot a little girl came up to me and told me it was disrespectful to take pictures of the graves.  I asked her why and she told me "that's what my mom said".  I have to disagree with her Mom.  Grave markers are a lasting memorial to a loved one.  They are no different then statues that are erected to memorialize a "great" person in history.  The only difference is that these humble folks were not as well known.  It doesn't mean that they are any less important.  My act of taking a picture does not demean their life.  On the contrary, I was moved enough by what I saw to take a photo.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Adorable Miss JP

Mission Trails Park

Went out to Mission Trails Park near Santee this weekend.  Everything is so alive right now.  So much green grass and colorful wild flowers. 

The dam was brimming with water and I couldn't get enough of the reflections in the calm waters on the east side of the dam.

On the other side the waters slowly cascade down and continue on its path through the park.